
Non-binding proposals & suggestions

The Riders can use our existing social platforms to share their ideas and discuss them. This “informal phase of governance” will allow community members to make suggestions, leave feedback, or try if their idea is deemed worthy by the community before submitting it for formal voting. It also lowers the technical barriers some might encounter in submitting proposals during formal governance. For the mechanisms around proposing a new binding proposal (described in further chapters), it is especially important to discuss the ideas with the community first before submitting them as binding proposals.

These suggestions won’t be binding and won’t be implemented solely based on how many positive reactions they gather in this informal setting, for obvious reasons - anyone will be able to create as many accounts as they wish. So the informal proposals/comments/feedback will be left strictly for the community to gather some interesting ideas, have a chat, and discover how other Riders feel about the ideas. However, that doesn’t mean the ideas and feedback will remain unheard, only that they still need to be adopted via a formal voting procedure to be implemented.

To submit your proposal ideas or feedback in our community portal and begin discussion, please visit our community portal and click on Create a Post. Give your idea/feedback post a name and select a category: DAO Proposals Discussion. Provide the details of your idea/feedback, click on Submit and it’s done, and the discussion can begin. If you want to see others’ ideas and take part in the discussion, look under the category DAO Proposals Discussion on the left. The Riders welcome your posts!

Binding proposals

The binding proposals are the actual motions for a change of the DEX Platform or the DAO. The Riders have the ultimate control - they can vote on anything, be it a change of fees, appointing a new officer, or changing the DAO governance model. For example, these binding proposals can be used to:

  • Adding, increasing, decreasing, or removing incentives for farming on a specific pool.

  • Adjusting the fees.

  • Adding or removing pieces of the UI.

  • Budget and treasury expenses approval.

  • Appointing an officer to oversee a specific matter.

  • Establishing a cooperative partnership with another group.

Illegal proposals

Due to the general aim to keep the Platform and the DAO compliant with applicable laws and regulations, some proposals or their potential outcomes might be considered illegal. As DAO aims to be a global society governed by Riders’ votes, it is difficult to specify the potential illegality issues. However, some general principles should apply, and votes that will be found invasive, abusive, harassing, infringing, obscene, hateful, defamatory, fraudulent, or simply non-compliant in their essence shall be considered illegal according to this Charter. Moreover, the proposals that will violate the “Terms and Conditions” shall be considered illegal too. It is the Riders’ primary responsibility to keep the DEX Platform and the DAO compliant with laws and regulations thus ensuring their longevity and prosperity. In the future, the DAO should elect a committee to deal with proposals that would lead the DEX Platform or the DAO itself to illegality.

Collateral, submitting proposals

The Riders can submit binding proposals via the Governance Portal in exchange for a 5000 WRT collateral. The amount will stay locked during the voting period of the proposal. If the proposal passes, the collateral will be returned to the proposer in full amount; however, should the proposal fail (i.e. it doesn’t meet the threshold or is deemed Rejected in the vote), the collateral will be put into vesting and returned to the proposer, linearly unlocking the full amount over 5 months, 1 unlock per month while the first unlock being 30 days after the proposal evaluation. This collateral is set high to really incentivize pre-binding discussions and serves to filter out proposals that do not comply with the standards, would damage the DEX Platform, or are malicious.

The amount of WRTs used as collateral will remain changeable by a regular DAO vote to always have just the right value when the WRT price rises.

There is a specially designed page of the Governance Portal for submitting proposals and guiding the Riders through the creation process. Because both the voting and the proposals will be on-chain, the amount of data included in the proposal is limited. Therefore the full description of the proposal, including all its parts like reasoning, funding, etc. will be stored in an immutable form off-chain and the proposal will contain a link to the file. In a similar way the proposal will also contain a link to the proposal’s non-binding discussion in the community portal. Apart from these, the creator will need to write a short description in the Governance Portal, specify the Accept and Reject options, specify the voting period, and when ready, submit the proposal on chain along with the collateral.

Winning proposals

Once a proposal passes the voting successfully, it will have to be transformed into code that will be implemented in the system. The code will be created by the servicing officer or by another entity, provided it becomes elected by the DAO for this task.

The WingRiders team cares about the platform’s legality and understands the legal risks of the crypto space, but directly interfering with the DAO’s will by rejecting risky proposals would mean a high degree of centralization. Therefore in the future, the DAO will be able to elect a committee with the power to veto proposals to further ensure the platform’s compliance with laws and regulations. Until then, when a risky or harmful proposal is Accepted by the DAO, the only way for the servicing officer to avoid legal exposure is to reject the obligation to create the code for the proposal. In such a case, another entity must be elected by the DAO to provide the code for the proposal and take responsibility.

Last updated